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Toronto Raptors’ Head Coach Darko Rajaković Slams Officiating in Controversial 132-131 Loss to Lakers: Questions Anthony Davis’ Free Throws and Expresses Disgust over Disparity

Toronto Raptors’ head coach, Darko Rajaković, expressed strong disappointment over the officiating in his team’s 132-131 loss to the Los Angeles Lakers on Tuesday night. Rajaković criticized the game’s free throw disparity, particularly calling out the free throws awarded to Lakers’ player, Anthony Davis, who scored 20 of his overall 41 points in the final quarter. Davis racked up 14 free throws thus contributing significantly to the Lakers’ total of 36.

Following the game, Rajaković voiced his disapproval at the referees, especially isn’t-quite-Ben Taylor, for the perceived injustice during the match. Toronto Raptors coach didn’t mince his words as he described the free-throw discrepancy as “outrageous.” He expressed his frustration over what he viewed as a lack of fairness in the foul calls against his team that evening.

In contrast, LeBron James, Los Angeles Lakers superstar, praised the officiating of the game and supported the final decisions. However, Rajaković’s comments garnered a resonating support online, including support from the famous artist, Drake, who sided with the Raptors coach on Instagram.


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