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Mariska Hargitay: Unmasking Her Personal Trauma, Advocacy for Sexual Assault Survivors, and Eternal Love Story on ‘Law & Order: SVU’

Mariska Hargitay, renowned for her role as Captain Olivia Benson on “Law & Order: SVU”, has courageously shared her personal experience of sexual assault. In an intensely candid essay for People, she recounts being raped by a friend and the trauma that followed this betrayal. Hargitay’s experience, while harrowing, has also arguably informed the depth and authenticity of her performance on “Law & Order: SVU”, where for 25 years, she has portrayed a tenacious detective committed to tracking down sexual offenders and providing solace to their victims.

On a lighter note, the set of “Law & Order: SVU” also served as the backdrop for Hargitay’s blossoming relationship with her husband, Peter Hermann. The couple fell in love while working together on the series and have been happily married since 2004. They continue to share their sweetest throwback photos, often enchanting fans with their enduring love story.

In sharing her personal ordeal, Hargitay hopes to spark more candid dialogues about sexual assault further. This courage, coupled with her impassionate performance in “Law & Order: SVU”, serves as a beacon of hope to other victims, underscoring the importance of conversation, healing, and justice.


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