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Japan’s First Lunar Landing: JAXA’s Unmanned Explorer ‘SLIM’ Achieves Success

The unmanned spacecraft ‘SLIM’ from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has successfully landed on the moon, it was reported today, January 20th. This success marks Japan’s first moon landing, making it the fifth in the world following the former Soviet Union, the United States, China, and India. Joining the countries that have successfully landed on the moon not only showcases Japan’s technical capabilities in space exploration to the world but also expands the options for future lunar exploration.

SLIM was launched last September from the Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture on a domestically made ‘H2A’ rocket, with the primary goal of demonstrating pinpoint landing at the target location. It has successfully completed this mission and communication has been established. However, the details of the solar power generation situation after landing have not yet been disclosed.

This project was led by scientists from the JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, as opposed to conventional rocket engineers. While this may seem surprising, it serves as a testament to the diversity of space development, requiring the collaborative efforts of professionals from various fields to carry out complex and important missions.

Foreign media are also reporting on SLIM’s successful landing, attracting international attention to this achievement. This will likely be the next step for Japan, enhancing the technical capabilities and sense of mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. A new chapter in Japan’s lunar exploration has been opened with the success of SLIM.


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