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José Altuve Secures His Place in Astros’ Legacy with a New Five-Year Contract Extension: An Enduring Icon of the Houston Dynasty

José Altuve, popularly known as the face of the Astros’ dynasty, is a distinguished figure in the Houston Astros’ history and an integral part of the two World Series championship teams. Altuve started the 2024 season, which was the final season of his seven-year contract extension signed on March 19, 2018. However, the Houston Astros recently declared that they had sealed a new five-year deal with Altuve, a significant move preserving their star second baseman and leadoff man. This $125 million guarantee extends through 2029.

This significant renewal was even celebrated as Jose Altuve Day in Houston, showing the player’s immense popularity and influence within the city and its favorite team. Houston Astros have kept the financial details confidential, but it has been confirmed that Altuve has a $26 million salary for the 2024 season. ESPN sources stated the deal is worth $125 million, ensuring his place in the team through his age-39 season. This contract extension reinforces the Astros’ confidence and trust in Altuve, reflecting his status as a franchise-type player and one of the best in Houston.


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