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Amazing kicking power of Henry Mochizuki and his brilliance illuminates FC Machida Zelvia’s first year of promotion

The 2024 J-League has begun. On February 23, various teams stood at the starting line, and among them, FC Machida Zelvia, a team that was promoted from J2 last season, is attracting attention. One of the reasons for this is the momentum of their talented player, Henry Kaiki Mochizuki.

Henry Kaiki Mochizuki is known for his unique physical abilities and is referred to by some as a ‘physical ability monster’. One of his key features is his astonishing kicking power.

According to some reports, his kick can reach half the pitch, which is about 50 meters. This allows him to pose a threat to the goal from any position, making it a major weapon of attack.

His courageous play during the matches is expected. It will be interesting to see how the presence of Henry Kaiki Mochizuki will affect the results of FC Machida Zelvia in their first year after their promotion. We’re looking forward to seeing their future performance.


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