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Kamimura Gakuen advances to the second round of the Senbatsu High School Baseball Tournament by defeating Saku Shin Gakuen: veterans from last summer’s top four shine.

I am reporting that Kamimura Gakuen from Kagoshima won their first game in the Spring Koshien, the high school baseball tournament, with a 6-3 victory over Saku-shin Gakuin from Tochigi, and advanced to the second round. Kamimura Gakuen is a powerhouse that has consistently demonstrated solid results such as reaching the top four in Koshien last summer, and this was fully demonstrated in the first game of the fifth day of the tournament.

Kamimura Gakuen made a preemptive strike in the second inning with a timely double by player Masuda, and added another point in the third inning with a solo home run to the right by player Masabayashi. Once they established a good momentum, they maintained their lead with stable game management and ultimately defeated Saku-shin Gakuin 6-3.

Moreover, what was impressive was the Alps seats of Kamimura Gakuen. On this day, two baseball alumni who had just graduated from the school wore uniforms and came to support their juniors. This scene painted a picture of the unity and the passion for baseball being passed on from the seniors to the juniors at Kamimura Gakuen.

Kamimura Gakuen is carrying on their success from last summer and entering this tournament with a strong force again this year. Notably, player Teruaki Masabayashi, the fourth batter, made a significant contribution to reaching the top four in the 2023 Koshien. His performance continues to attract attention.

With this momentum, further success is expected from Kamimura Gakuen. They will fully demonstrate their strength in the next game and aim for winning the tournament. The upcoming game is definitely worth watching.


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