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Chelsea, a candy with a beloved 53-year history among the public, is coming to an end of sales – announced by Meiji

The long-standing beloved civilian favorite, ‘Chelsea’, has been announced by Meiji to cease sales at the end of March this year, drawing the curtain on its 53-year history. The candy was widely popularized by the catchy phrases in the commercial song ‘Ho~ra, Chelsea, another Chelsea’ and ‘I want to give you a Chelsea’. The unique design features, especially the black floral packaging, were characteristic.

Chelsea was developed in 1971, based on a traditional candy from Scotland, UK. Initially, it was launched in two flavors: butterscotch and yogurt scotch. Subsequently, additional varieties such as almond, matcha milk, and peach milk were added to the lineup.

However, after reaching a peak in sales in the fiscal year 2002, a slow decline continued, leading to the decision to cease sales. Factors such as the shrinkage of the overall candy market and changes in customer needs are believed to have contributed to this conclusion.

In response to this announcement from Meiji, the internet has been flooded with voices reminiscing and expressing disappointment. The end of this historic candy brand has taken many by surprise and left them feeling sentimental.

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