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Takashimaya apologizes for the issue of Christmas cakes sold online arriving damaged, promises to review and implement customer measures.

Takashimaya, a major department store operator, admitted and apologized on its official website on the 24th that some of the Christmas cakes sold online were delivered to consumers in a collapsed state.

Particularly from the 23rd, there were scattered posts on social media from customers who received crumbled Christmas cakes purchased from Takashimaya. In response to this, Takashimaya confirmed the situation and revealed that there was a problem with some of the products as a result.

Specifically, it was stated that the whole cakes were delivered in a collapsed state. Therefore, an apology statement was released on their homepage saying, We deeply apologize for causing great inconvenience.

Takashimaya has always focused on quality and service, and as part of this, it has conducted online sales of Christmas items such as whole cakes. However, this incident has undermined that trust and caused confusion and inconvenience to customers.

In the future, Takashimaya has stated that it will review each stage of online sales, such as product packaging and delivery methods, to prevent such problems from happening again. They are also currently progressing with specific measures for affected customers and will disclose them as soon as they are decided.

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