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Iconic WWII Era Hangar at Former Marine Corp Air Station in Tustin Ravaged by Massive Fire: A Blow to Heritage and Regional Identity

A historic hangar at the former Marine Corps Air Station in Tustin, Orange County, a relic of World War II heritage and part of the city’s skyline, has been severely damaged by a massive three-alarm fire. The hangar, an iconic structure built in 1942 and previously used to house blimps that maintained a vigilant watch for enemy submarines along the California coastline, was devastated on Tuesday morning.

Firefighters from OC Fire Authority battled the raging fire, which rapidly engulfed the 17-story structure. Echoing the fire’s massive scale, a huge response was rolled out from fire crews to combat the inferno.

The hangar, a part of Orange County’s rich military history, has been featured in various television and film productions, thus making it an iconic landmark of pop culture. Tuesday’s fire led to the collapse of several sections of the northern hangar at the now-defunct air station.

The disaster is a significant loss, considering the hangar’s historic value and its deep ties to Tustin’s identity. However, the dedication of responders working tirelessly to fight the blaze has been a testament to the indomitable spirit of the local community.


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