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Brave Gauge achieves first G1 victory – 48th Queen Elizabeth Cup

The Queen Elizabeth II Cup is one of the most prestigious horse racing events in Japan, held every November in Kyoto. After a fierce competition, Breytenveg managed to claim victory in the 48th Queen Elizabeth II Cup.

In the G1 race that took place on the 2200-meter turf track at Kyoto, Breytenveg, ridden by Christophe Lemaire, gave an exceptional performance, emerging as the most popular challenger. The tournament held every autumn serves as a significant event to decide the strongest female horse, and Breytenveg’s victory marked her first-ever G1 triumph.

As a result of the race, Breytenveg won with an outstanding performance, while Rouge Euvaille took second place and Harper came third. Of the 30 horses that have placed within the top three in the Queen Elizabeth II Cup over the past ten years, 12 came from the Fuchu Mare S race.

Upon this victory, jockey Christophe Lemaire was overjoyed, expressing his elation with a big ‘Thank You!’ He, who claimed his first G1 title performing on Breytenveg, admitted he was surprised by his own phenomenal performance.

In conclusion, I give you a brief report on the results of the 48th Queen Elizabeth II Cup and the reactions to it. We look forward to more detailed information and analysis on such high-level horse races in the future.


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