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The Tokyo team achieves consecutive victories, reporting on the hotly contested East Japan Women’s Ekiden Race.

The East Japan Women’s Relay Race was held in Manka Park, Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, with female runners from 18 prefectures across Japan battling it out. The race sees participants ranging from junior high school students to company athletes, all determinedly covering a distance of 42.195 kilometers. This year marked the 38th occurrence of this important event, which was held at the Seiden-sha WINDY Stadium in Fukushima City.

The race was divided into nine different sections, with each runner taking turns running their respective leg of the relay. The Tokyo team triumphed in this grueling race, achieving the highest honor. Runner Mikumi Suzuki from Juntendo High School displayed an impressive run, setting a new section record of 9 minutes and 40 seconds in the third leg. As a result, the team finished the race in 2 hours, 18 minutes, and 35 seconds. This victory ensured a consecutive win for the Tokyo team.

However, athletes from other regions also put up fierce fights. Fukushima Prefecture showed an exceptional run, finishing with a time of 2 hours, 19 minutes, and 44 seconds.

Other participating prefectures, such as Iwate Prefecture, also captivated the audience with their powerful runs. The opening ceremony was held on the 11th in Fukushima City. Under cloudy skies and temperatures of 8.6 degrees Celsius, the female runners exerted their full effort.

Spectators applauded the power and will exhibited by all the runners, praising their efforts and talent. This race serves as an opportunity for the women of East Japan to demonstrate their abilities and hard work, with each participant from various regions putting forth their best effort, competing in skill and endurance. The East Japan Women’s Relay Race will continue to provide both participants and spectators with inspiration and excitement in the future.


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