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Announcement of ‘Tryout’ by Earth Friends Tokyo Z U18, seeking new talents for the 2023-24 season

Earth Friends Tokyo Z U18 is deeply grateful for your unfaltering support. Today, we are thrilled to announce a new endeavor – we will be hosting a ‘Tryout’ ahead of the 2023-24 season.

A tryout is a selection method used by sports teams to recruit new members. This event gathers young individuals with the skills and abilities needed by Earth Friends Tokyo Z U18, providing them with an opportunity to showcase their talents.

In these tryouts, Earth Friends Tokyo Z U18’s training staff and coaches will evaluate the performances of all participants. Members will be chosen based on their skills, physical abilities, and techniques related to their specific positions. This initiative aims to maintain our team’s standards while uncovering new talents, helping us to form a more competitive team.

As we look forward to the 2023-24 season, we aim to reach new heights alongside newly discovered talent. The journey won’t be easy, but with your unwavering support, we can continue to move forward. We earnestly ask for your continuous passionate support for Earth Friends Tokyo Z U18.


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