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Season-Ending Shoulder Injury Sidelines Deshaun Watson: Cleveland Browns QB Shocked by Unexpected Diagnosis

The Cleveland Browns have announced that their quarterback, Deshaun Watson, will have to miss the rest of the season due to a major shoulder injury. Watson suffered two injuries, and after undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on Monday, it was revealed that he has a fracture in his right shoulder, specifically his throwing shoulder.

The team is now preparing for Watson to have a season-ending surgery. The announcement was a shock to fans and even to Watson himself—described as “in disbelief” upon hearing the news. The severity of the injury was discovered following the Browns’ latest victory over Baltimore, where Watson played a key role. The season-ending surgery implies that Watson will not be seen on the playing field again till 2023.

The impact of his absence is yet to be seen and no doubt presents a significant challenge to the Browns in their remaining games. As the Browns navigate the rest of the season without Watson, updates on his surgery and recovery process will certainly be closely watched.


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