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Seina Aoki, a remarkable comeback win in the domestic women’s golf tour: Showed outstanding play at the Erielle Golf Club in Ehime

Seina Aoki was victorious in the domestic women’s golf tour. The tournament was held at the Erielle Golf Club Matsuyama in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, and Aoki won in a comeback victory. She started in second place, two strokes behind the leader on the first day, but finished with a 67, including five birdies and one bogey, in the final round, winning with a total of 13 under par.

The tournament was shortened to 54 holes due to poor weather conditions. However, even under these circumstances, Aoki played consistently and successfully climbed up the rank. She particularly showcased remarkable play on the last day, securing her comeback victory.

Afterwards, Aoki updated her Instagram profile with a message dedicated to her ‘battle comrades.’ Further success is expected from her in the future.


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