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Pittsburgh Steelers Dismiss Offensive Coordinator Matt Canada Amidst Poor Performance; Eddie Faulkner Steps Up

In a significant change due to their recent lackluster offensive performance, The Pittsburgh Steelers have announced the dismissal of their offensive coordinator, Matt Canada. The announcement was made by Steelers’ Coach Mike Tomlin, marking this as the team’s first in-season coaching reshuffle in more than eight decades.

In his brief statement, Tomlin mentioned that Canada had been relieved of his responsibilities and conveyed his best wishes for Canada’s future coaching path. This decisive move comes after Canada had served just over two seasons with the team, where unfortunately, his strategies did not live up to the desired expectations. The Steelers, therefore, felt the need to say, “No, Canada,” prompting a significant change in their coaching line-up.

In the wake of this upheaval, the Steelers have expressed their intended replacement for the position. Running backs coach, Eddie Faulkner, is anticipated to step in as the new offensive coordinator. The move not only underscores the team’s belief in Faulkner’s capabilities but also signifies their urgency to recuperate and boost their offensive strategies moving forward.


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