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Former Paralympian Oscar Pistorius Set for Parole in January After Serving More than Half of His 13-Year Sentence for Girlfriend’s Murder

South African former Paralympian Oscar Pistorius is expected to be released on parole in January. The athlete, sentenced to 13 years in prison for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, has been serving his sentence since 2014. The decision for his release came after a South African corrections board ascertained that Pistorius had met the minimum parole requirements, having served more than half of his sentence. The announcement by the prison authorities marks nearly 11 years since Pistorius, nicknamed the Blade Runner, fatally shot Steenkamp through a door at his home.

The story of Pistorius, a double-amputee Olympic athlete, had garnered global attention. His impending release is sure to thrust him back into the spotlight. Despite the gravity of his crime, Pistorius is set to exit his confinement from a South African prison on January 5. This development comes a decade after the widely publicized case that drew planetary attention, solidifying once again, the world’s fascination with the fallen Paralympic champion.


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