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Atlanta Falcons’ Turbulence: The Struggling Regime of Arthur Smith and Terry Fontenot and Their Unsettling Home Record

One aspect that has been causing quite a lot of concern regarding the Atlanta Falcons is the current state of their team. The regime of head coach Arthur Smith and GM Terry Fontenot is teetering on the edge; it seems to be on life support. The primary reason? If you investigate, the answer lies at the very bottom line of their home management.

After stepping into the shoes of the previous Falcons management, Smith and Fontenot assumed quite a daunting task: rebuilding a team that appeared to be spiralling. Big hopes were vested in the new management to revive the team’s fortunes. However, unfortunately, both Smith and Fontenot are still struggling to find a solid foothold in team management and the results are not as promising as supporters had hoped.

The situation at home, specifically, delineates why the duo’s regime is stumbling. The Falcons’ home record under this new management isn’t impressive. It’s indeed quite distressing for a team that has historically taken pride in its homeground advantage. Recurring defeats and inconsistent performances have left many sceptical about future success.

Though it’s true the duo inherited several on-field and off-field issues, they still have to take responsibility for not managing to turn things around yet. The bottom line reflects a somber reality that the present regime needs a more decisive reparative plan to stabilise the current state of the Falcons.


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