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Renowned racehorse Iquinox announces retirement – The unparalleled records left in the horse racing world and its impact

It has been decided that Equinox, who has etched his name in the world of Japanese horse racing, will retire. This outstanding 4-year-old horse came from the Tetsuya Kimura stable, with the famous racehorse Kitasan Black as his sire.

Equinox had achieved a fabulous record as the world’s number one racehorse. Moreover, he achieved a splendid victory in the Japan Cup held recently. With this victory, Equinox has matched the longest streak of six Grade 1 (GI) race wins since the introduction of the grading system in 1984.

This honorable record is highly valued in the Japanese racing world and has been praised by horse racing enthusiasts. The announcement of his retirement was made on the official website of Silk Racing, his owner, on the 30th.

Equinox’s retirement has been met with surprise, and there are voices of regret from his fans. He will not participate in the Arima Kinen after his retirement, and his future activities are undetermined. However, his achievements will continue to shine brilliantly in the history of horse racing, and the voices praising his past achievements will not cease.

The retirement of Equinox, a culmination of excellent pedigree, talent, and hard work, is a great loss to the world of horse racing. However, his track record will serve as a guidepost for the next generation of racehorses. His greatness will not be forgotten even after retirement.


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