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Examining Queer Resilience against Surveillance: A Critical Review of Fern Snedeker’s ‘Euphoria’

“Euphoria” is an enlightening work that takes us on a journey into an imagined queer community under increased surveillance, meticulously crafted by Fern Snedeker (they/them). It mirrors society’s underbelly, where queer identities are under constant scrutiny, and queer bodies are not just physically, but also ideologically and psychologically, under attack.

The piece highlights latent prejudices and phobias and invites the reader to introspect on society’s harsh treatment of those whose sexuality deviates from established norms. Using intricate storytelling and well-constructed characters, Snedeker designs a dystopian world where the queer community is continuously monitored, fostering an atmosphere of palpable fear and resulting in a sense of collective paranoia.

“Euphoria” successfully navigates these intrinsically complex themes, reminding us of the resilience inherent in the community. Despite the oppressive monitoring and systemic discrimination, there are gleams of hope. Snedeker articulates an important truth, that even under attack, the quest for identity, authenticity, and human dignity perseveres.

Snedeker’s work is both a critique of our societal foibles and a love letter to queer resilience. Their work is a must-read for fans of sociopolitical discourses, queer literature, and anyone willing to engage in critically analyzing the systemic structures of prejudice and discrimination.


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