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Somerville Honors Martin Luther King’s Legacy: Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and RSJ Launch Educational and Art Programs Promoting Racial and Social Justice

Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and Somerville’s Department of Racial and Social Justice (RSJ) are proud to announce two significant programs to honor and celebrate the life and enduring legacy of the renowned civil rights leader, Martin Luther King.

Martin Luther King, widely recognized for his profound impact on the civil rights movement, employed nonviolent resistance to combat racial inequality. His “I have a Dream” speech is considered one of the most impactful speeches in history, symbolizing his dedicated pursuit of racial justice and equality.

The first program initiated by Mayor Ballantyne and the RSJ will be aimed at educating our youths about King’s principles of nonviolence, racial equality, and his vision of the “Beloved Community”. Their objective is to instill an understanding of King’s philosophies in our future generations, promoting a society where everyone is treated fairly, regardless of their race or color.

The second initiative will order an art installation demonstrating the vibrancy and diversity in Somerville, reflecting King’s vision of an inclusive and unified society. This installation will serve as a reminder of the shared values of equality, compassion, and justice that both King and Somerville’s RSJ stand for.

Through these programs, the city of Somerville is committed to honoring Dr. King’s legacy by promoting racial and social justice and fostering a greater understanding and acceptance among its residents.


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