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ICJ Orders Provisional Measures in South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel, Fuels Need for Policy Change and UN Agency’s Response

Today, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) pronounced a crucial decision ordering provisional measures concerning the genocide case South Africa brought against Israel. Following a preliminary ruling, the ICJ commanded Israel to comply with the Genocide Convention, effectively mandating that Israeli military forces avoid actions that might infringe upon these regulations. Conversely, the court did not demand an immediate ceasefire.

While the judgment issued by the 17-judge panel in The Hague did dictate a cessation of any potential genocidal acts in Gaza, it drew a line at the outright demand for an immediate halt to hostilities. The decision, it should be noted, holds authority only on the request for provisional measures—it does not resolve or pass judgment on the validity of the genocide charge itself.

The ICJ’s ruling underlines a persistent accusation against Israel of committing genocide in Gaza. The court order also insinuates the necessity for Israel to establish mechanisms to prevent genocide in the territory—although it falls short of calling for a direct cessation of hostilities.

This situation suggests a different approach from Biden could have possibly averted the course of the war efforts. Meanwhile, coinciding with the ICJ findings is the United Nations Palestinian relief agency’s action against several of its employees over alleged participation in a Hamas attack.


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