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LAUSD School Board Elections in Pandemic and Racial Justice Times: The Paramount Importance and Impact on Future Education

LAUSD school board elections are of paramount importance during these unique times dominated by the pandemic and heightened racial justice movements. These unfolding circumstances have given a new urgency to matters of education policy. This powerful board helps to shape policy and therefore the experience of thousands of LAUSD students.

Four hopefuls are currently contending to replace Jackie Goldberg on the L.A. Unified board. This influential position represents a uniquely shaped district stretching from Eagle Rock and embodies vastly diverse areas and constituents. Each candidate brings a unique perspective on how to handle both the pandemic’s impact on education and the ongoing fight for racial equality within schools.

With LAUSD being the nation’s second largest school district, this election carries substantial weight. Votes will decide how safety in a pandemic-ridden educational environment is ensured, how educational inequities primarily arising from systemic racism are addressed, and how we prepare for a post-pandemic educational landscape. In the end, informed voting for the LAUSD school board will play a crucial role in molding the future of countless students.


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