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Marianne Williamson Resumes Presidential Race: A Progressive Author’s Unexpected Re-Entry Shakes up Democratic Primaries

Marianne Williamson, a progressive self-help author who three weeks earlier had suspended her campaign for the Democratic presidential primaries, made a shocking announcement Wednesday, declaring her re-entry into the race. “As of today, I am unsuspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States,” declared Williamson. This unexpected decision adds a twist to the current state of the Democratic primary.

Despite her earlier decision to halt her campaign which was considered a long-shot, Williamson seems unfazed. She highlighted her strong dissatisfaction with the current front-runner in the Democratic primary, Joe Biden. According to recent voting figures, Biden received an impressive 81% in Michigan, leaving only 13% of votes uncommitted. Williamson criticized Biden, stating she believes he lacks the capability to defeat current president Donald Trump, whom she referred to as a ‘fascist’ and a ‘juggernaut of dark, dark vision’.

Williamson’s decision to unsuspend her campaign came after her observation of the political landscape. In her words, she believes the American voters are “watching a car crash”. As the New Hampshire primary approaches, it remains to be seen how her reintroduction into the race and her critique of Biden will shake up the dynamics of the Democratic primary. Amid this cluttered and highly competitive field, Progressive author and spiritual guru, Marianne Williamson is once again a contender for the Democratic nomination.


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