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Monika Johnson-Hostler Triumphs in Democratic Primary for NC House District 33: Unpacking the Evolving Political Landscape

Monika Johnson-Hostler emerged victorious in the Democratic primary for House District 33 in the recent NC election results. Her win goes a long way in shaping the political landscape in the district. Johnson-Hostler’s victory aligns with a strong performance by incumbent state senator Dan Blue and congresswoman Deborah Ross, who both easily averted challenges.

Blue and Ross’s strong showing in the election continues to underscore their influence and the trust constituents place in their leadership. Blue’s wealth of experience in the state senate and Ross’s proven track record in Congress precede them, conferring an edge that played a significant role in their respective victories.

Meanwhile, a striking development in Pender County saw two Board of Education members putting their names in the ring for commissioner seats in the general election. This move by the school board members signifies a diversification of their public service commitment.

Our attention also goes to Brad George, the only incumbent for the commissioner seats. It will be interesting to see how this election pans out, but one thing is clear: the political sphere in NC continues to evolve.


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