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President Biden Celebrates Landmark 81st Birthday Amid Age Concerns and 2024 Election Anticipation

President Joe Biden celebrated his 81st birthday on Monday with a quiet family gathering, setting a milestone as the oldest sitting president in US history. His birthday coincided with a busy day of White House holiday events, including the traditional Thanksgiving turkey pardoning. This new age record underscores Biden’s status as the oldest person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

However, Biden’s landmark birthday comes amid significant public concern over his age. With the 2024 election in view, several polls repeatedly highlight voters’ anxiety around his age and potential for re-election. This apprehension seems to be reflected in recent polls showing Biden grappling with figures led by his probable contender, Donald Trump.

Yet, President Biden appears to remain focused on his duties and upcoming challenges, preparing to brace for a strenuous election year. The question of his age continues to be a dominant topic as the country moves closer to the 2024 Presidential Election. Regardless of the concern about his age, President Joe Biden continues to fulfill his presidential duties, spending his birthday in service of the nation’s traditions.


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