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Mayor Michelle Wu Stands Resolute Amid Controversy over Holiday Party Exclusivity, Highlights Progress in Boston Public Schools

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu stood firm amidst criticism following a holiday party exclusive to elected officials of color. The invitation to the event, which has been a long-standing tradition to foster unity among the minority officials, was mistakenly circulated to the whole city council, prompting immediate reactions.

Efforts to insulate the party from controversy were made by a spokesperson from the Mayor’s office, emphasizing that the event was merely one among many diverse networking initiatives. However, it elicited backlash over its exclusion of white officials, with critics citing it as a potential violation of a Massachusetts law prohibiting discrimination in public establishments.

Simultaneously, Wu and Boston Public Schools Superintendent Mary Skipper celebrated the approval from the Massachusetts School for Boston Public Schools’ proposed plans, showcasing Wu’s commitment to progress.

In conclusion, despite the uproar caused by the unintentional mailing mishap, Wu defended the holiday party, maintaining that its intent is purely to provide a platform for officials of color to connect and collaborate.


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