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Rudy Giuliani Files for Bankruptcy: Fallout from Defamation Case Leads to Half a Billion Dollar Debt for Former New York Mayor

Former New York Mayor and erstwhile campaign attorney for Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, has filed for bankruptcy after accruing debts of up to a staggering $500 million. A substantial percentage of this debt is the $148 million he was ordered to pay to two former Georgia election workers, Wandrea “Shaye” Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman. Recently, a court ruled that Giuliani should begin immediate payment of the damages awarded to Moss and Freeman, a decision that has significantly compounded his financial woes.

The ordering of this immense debt is the culmination of a defamation lawsuit brought against the former Mayor, who was found guilty of making false statements about the two election workers involved in the turbulent 2020 Georgia elections. Unfortunately, these falsehoods led to Moss and Freeman suffering from a barrage of threats. The fallout from this case and the subsequent mountainous damages owed essentially drove Giuliani to file for bankruptcy, highlighting the severe implications of disseminating false information.


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