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Keiichiro Koyama of popular group NEWS and Misako Uno of AAA announce their marriage: Sharing the first step toward a new life with fans

Keiichiro Koyama (39) and Misako Uno (37), recognized members, announced their marriage on the 13th. Mr. Koyama is a member of the popular three-member group NEWS, and Ms. Uno is a member of the mixed-gender dance & vocal group AAA.

Both of them announced this big news on their respective agency’s official websites. While no details have been revealed, there have been many congratulations from fans and the industry. The sudden news of their marriage has been received with great surprise not only from the industry but also from their fans.

Ms. Uno had been suspending her activities to mourn a member who passed away last January. However, at this new milestone in her life, she showed courage by revealing a part of her new life in front of the camera, different from what she has been doing until now. She updated her Instagram on March 11th, standing out in her bare skin, signaling the start of a new life to her fans.

The marriage of the two came as a sudden happy announcement while both of their groups are highly popular. Congratulations are being received from the fans of both parties, viewers, and the entire entertainment industry. We hope that their new journey will continue to shine brightly.


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