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The Reiwa Tiger – A YouTube Business Reality Show where entrepreneurs’ challenges meet the rigorous evaluations of the judges.

‘Reiwa no Tora’ is a YouTube reality show where executives become judges and entrepreneurs present their business plans. It involves presenting specific business ideas and soliciting investment from the judges. The show is highly popular, with over 1.1 million channel subscribers.

In the show, aspirants introduce their business plans to the judges, who assess the value of the plan. Discussions are candidly exchanged not only about merits and possibilities but also about risks. The better the idea, the more heated the debates can become.

A particularly striking episode was on March 2nd. The host of the show, Ban Nakamura, grabbed the collar of Shingo Masamoto in a tense moment. This scene suggested that the judges are seriously engaged in assessing business plans.

‘Reiwa no Tora’ conveys the harshness and reality of the business world to its viewers through such dramatic developments. The challenges of entrepreneurs stepping into the world of serious competition attract a lot of sympathy and support from the viewers.


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