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Miu Sakamoto’s Art Experience: Visiting Asakura Sculpture Museum and Pola Museum of Art, and Meeting with Hiroshi Sugimoto

Miu Sakamoto visited the atelier at the Taito City Asakura Sculpture Museum, and later enjoyed a special exhibition at the POLA Museum of Art. As an artist with a keen sensitivity to fashion and art, her perspective on the displayed works offers a unique viewpoint.

In the atelier of the Asakura Sculpture Museum, you can get a sense of the creation process of sculptor Fumio Asakura. By taking in the space filled with tools and artworks left as they were, one can imagine the thought process and work of the sculptor. Ms. Sakamoto also enjoyed this space, and seemed impressed by various sculptures.

At the later visited POLA Museum of Art, various special exhibitions are held depending on the season. A wide range of art, from powerful to delicate works alike, can be appreciated. Ms. Sakamoto also viewed the special exhibition and shared comments on works that particularly impressed her.

A note-worthy event of the day was the encounter with photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto. The two shared common perspectives and emotions, forging a moment of shared respect and empathy towards art. This meeting could influence the future works of Miu Sakamoto.

Through this dialogue and experience, it was a day where Ms. Sakamoto deepened her sensibilities as an artist and found a new perspective.


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