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Thanksgiving Kickoff: Miami Airport to Welcome 150,000 Travelers amid Holiday Excitement; West Coast Gears Up for Traditional Turkey Trots

On Thursday, it’s forecasted that over 150,000 travelers will stream through Miami International Airport, marking the start of the season’s hustle and bustle. According to NBC, South Florida’s local news reports a mix of both national and international travelers, indicating a vibrant holiday schedule ahead.

In sync with the festive mood, weather forecasts predict agreeable conditions, augmenting the holiday excitement and travel plans of many. Officials have urged passengers to arrive early, considering the thick anticipated crowd, to ensure a smooth start to their journeys.

Meanwhile, the Thanksgiving spirit is in full swing on the West Coast. Thousands of people are expected to participate in various ‘turkey trots’ throughout the Bay Area. San Jose is holding its annual downtown run, the largest of these events. The turkey trot offers a festive and healthy way to kick off the holiday, with thousands of locals and visitors alike donning their running gear for the cause. These concurrent events reflect the diverse ways Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving, whether it’s through travel, traditional runs, or both.


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