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Panera Bread Faces Second Wrongful Death Lawsuit Over ‘Charged Lemonade’ Linked to Fatal Cardiac Arrest

Panera Bread is currently grappling with a second wrongful death lawsuit, this time involving a customer who allegedly suffered a fatal cardiac arrest after consuming its “charged lemonade”. The suit was filed by the family of the deceased, 46-year-old Dennis Brown from Florida.

The details of the lawsuit suggest that Brown died last October following the intake of three cups of Panera Bread’s caffeinated charged lemonade. The claimants argue that the consumption of this drink directly led to Brown’s fatal cardiac arrest.

This is not the first time the popular chain is facing legal issues pertaining to its charged lemonade. Yet another similar lawsuit had been previously filed, marking this as the second wrongful death case related to Panera Bread’s caffeinated beverage. The outcome of both cases are being closely watched as they bear potential implications for the food and beverage industry.


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