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Expansion and Characteristics of the New Variant ‘JN-1’: Increased Risks Due to Immune Evasion Capability and High Infectivity

The novel coronavirus is spreading with repeated mutations. Among them, a new variant named ‘JN-1’ is currently of particular concern for expansion in Japan.

The ‘JN-1’ has two characteristics compared to previous variants. The first is a high ability to evade immunity, and the second is strong infectivity.

Let’s start by explaining the point of high ability to evade immunity. The coronavirus has the ability to skillfully bypass the human immune system and spread infection, yet it is said that this ability of the JN-1 variant is markedly higher than previous variants. This means that people who have been infected before or have been vaccinated could still potentially be infected by this new variant.

Next is the point of strong infectivity. It’s suggested that JN-1 can transmit from person to person at a faster rate than previous variants. Therefore, the number of infections can increase rapidly, and even if emergency declarations and infection prevention measures are introduced, it may still be difficult to sufficiently mitigate the effects.

These characteristics are why JN-1 is considered very dangerous compared to previous variants. Stricter adherence to infection prevention measures, promotion of antigen testing, and widespread vaccination are more crucial than ever as countermeasures against this new variant. Also, detailed genetic analysis and other research are necessary to accurately grasp the infection status of the new variant. With such measures, it is possible to prevent the spread of this new variant and protect our health.”


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