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Announcement of the 36th National Certified Social Worker Examination Results: A 13.9 point increase in pass rate from last year, leading to the leap of new social contributors

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare recently announced the results of the 36th national examination for social workers. As a result, this year’s passing rate was 58.1%, an increase of 13.9 points from the previous time. This result indicates that there is an increasing demand for social workers and that preparations for the examination are progressing.

Additionally, a total of 38 people, 16 new graduates and 22 re-graduates, from the Naha Comprehensive Welfare Department passed this year’s examination. These students have now taken the first step towards contributing to society as professionals in social welfare.

Social workers play a crucial role in providing welfare services and implementing policies. Their roles include caring for the elderly, supporting people with disabilities, aiding children and families, and addressing poverty. To tackle these issues, specialized knowledge and skills are required. The national exam is conducted to confirm that people have acquired these and guarantee a certain level of quality.

This year’s successful examinees have demonstrated their specialized knowledge and skills to deal with these challenges. Going forward, these successful candidates are expected to flourish in the field of social welfare. There, they will become providers of welfare services, addressing chronic societal problems. We have high hopes for their performance.


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