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King Charles diagnosed with prostate cancer, embarks on treatment journey – Support pours in from home and abroad after the news is reported to his two sons.

It has been revealed that King Charles, 75, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and has begun treatment. According to a public announcement by the British royal family, King Charles was admitted to a hospital in London from January 26th to receive treatment for an enlarged prostate.

He was discharged on January 29th, but it was reported that cancer was detected at that time. Concerns were raised by the hospital, and further tests confirmed the diagnosis of cancer. Treatment has already begun, and he is currently not hospitalized.

After receiving the diagnosis, King Charles informed his sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, of the fact. In response, it has been reported that Prince Harry, who was staying in America, is returning home.

In the London hospital where he was treated for an enlarged prostate, a portrait provided by Buckingham Palace has been released. This is intended to convey King Charles’s attitude to fight his recent illness, and many people are sending words of encouragement and support.

While King Charles’s public activities are expected to be restricted for the time being, people around the world are watching his fight against the disease.


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