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Understanding the Causes and Countermeasures of Hay Fever, and its State of Affairs both Domestically and Internationally

Hay fever, known as a ‘national disease’ particularly among Japanese people, is caused by pollen from certain plants which, while most commonly found in Japan, also exists overseas and is a cause of concern.

In Japan, the plants known to cause hay fever are mainly cedar and cypress. These types of pollen are concentrated in the early spring, threatening our daily life with the arrival of the spring season.

However, hay fever is also widely recognized outside of Japan. The plants causing it differ from area to area. For example, grasses and ragweed are commonly cited as allergens in North America. These plants are also starting to appear in Japan, and the pollen from plants brought from overseas is becoming a new source of allergies.

Symptoms of hay fever such as runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes can drastically reduce quality of life. However, by having accurate knowledge and taking appropriate measures, its impact can be minimized. For example, during the early spring when a lot of pollen is flying around, it is advisable to increase the time spent indoors with windows closed, and when going outside to wear masks and sunglasses.

Medication is also an effective measure. Over-the-counter antihistamines, nasal sprays, and eye drops are available, but if symptoms are severe, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Hay fever is a problem that occurs not only in Japan but also worldwide. However, by adopting appropriate prevention and treatment, the inconvenience can be minimized. Let’s prepare for the arrival of hay fever season by arranging preventative measures.


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