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The Potential of Career Education Offered by Experiential Learning at the Special Event Held at Legoland in Nagoya City.

On the 16th, a special event for career education was held in Nagoya City, where local elementary school students participated in one-day experiential vocational education. The aim of this event is to provide children with the opportunity to explore various jobs and discover their interests and abilities.

One of the most unique activities was experiential learning at Legoland. Legoland is known as a place where children can express their creativity through Lego blocks and create works of art, but that’s not all. It is also an important place to nurture the ability to work with others, patience, and problem-solving skills.

At the Nagoya City event, children were given the opportunity to experience jobs as Legoland staff. They took on various roles such as guides, operation staff, and workshop facilitators. This allowed the children to experience part of the job and feel a sense of accomplishment and responsibility.

This event provided an important opportunity for children to learn about society and their own potential in collaboration with local businesses and organizations. Each of these experiential activities is not just a game, but should also help children discover their future careers with the educational elements included.


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