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Kojima Yoshio: From Stardom to Despair, the Road to Recovery – Vegetable Comedian Paving a New Path in Life

Japanese comedian Yoshio Kojima made a big breakthrough in 2007 with his popular gags I don’t care about that! and Oppappi! These two gags were nominated for the grand prize at the 2007 U-CAN New Term & Buzzword Awards, garnering him enormous popularity. However, his popularity plummeted soon after.

Despite this setback, Kojima persevered and carved out a new path for himself. For example, he was appointed as the Niigata Rice HAPPY Ambassador for the Niigata Prefecture campaign Niigata Rice HAPPY Campaign, where he promotes eating Niigata rice to bring smiles to people’s faces. His activities as the Niigata Rice HAPPY Ambassador, as well as supporting children’s learning through his YouTube channel Yoshio Kojima’s Oppappi Elementary School, illustrate his efforts to engage in activities from a new perspective.

In addition, he holds his own live performances occasionally, shares his current activities on social media, and interacts more with his fans. He continues to appear on TV and even reveals advice he received from Office Sasenaide’s Canning Takesan, another comedian from his agency, showing his dedication to both his personal and professional life.

Having overcome challenging circumstances and setting out on a new path as a vegetable comedian, Kojima is seeking a future he wants to pass on to children through laughter. His attitude symbolizes his journey as a comedian, from breaking out to falling down, and rising again.


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