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Unethical Behavior in Engine Performance Testing at Toyota Automatic Loom Works and Its Responses: Reaffirming Compliance and Ethical Awareness in the Automobile Manufacturing Industry

Toyota Industries Corporation, a group company of Toyota Motor Corporation, manufactures engines for automobiles and forklifts. However, a recent investigation revealed that some kind of misconduct had occurred in the power output tests for three types of diesel engines for automobiles, which the company had been entrusted with by Toyota Motor Corporation.

The details have not been disclosed, but the company has reported the results of the investigation to Toyota Motor Corporation and is taking this matter seriously. This issue raises questions about the appropriateness of procedures and tests during the process of obtaining official certification, which has led Toyota Motor Corporation to decide to temporarily stop using engines supplied by Toyota Industries Corporation.

In addition, Toyota Industries Corporation has previously been under scrutiny for unfair practices in emissions tests for forklift engines. This latest investigation also revealed similar issues with three types of diesel engines.

In response to this issue, Toyota Industries Corporation has established a special investigative committee to delve into the details and causes of the misconduct and consider preventive measures. The company also intends to accept any penalties for legal violations based on these findings and respond with sincerity.

This issue underscores the importance of strict compliance with regulations and ethical sense in the entire automobile manufacturing industry. In order to resolve the issue and restore trust, Toyota Industries Corporation will need to take appropriate corrective measures while maintaining transparency and sincerity.


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