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The 33rd Anniversary Celebration ‘Kadaidontaku’ of Hakata Hanamaru & Daikichi was a great success at Fukuoka PayPay Dome

The comedic duo Hakata Hanamaru & Daikichi successfully held their event Hakata Hanamaru & Daikichi Presents Hanada Dontaku at Fukuoka PayPay Dome. The event celebrated the duo’s 33rd anniversary and was supported by Aoyama of Yofuku.

A part of the main event was the Almost same generation Team VS Young Team where aspiring comedians gathered and had the opportunity to showcase their skills and talents.

The Dontaku venue was heated up by the appearance of luxurious guests, and as the venue dimmed, the audience let out a sudden cheer. Additionally, a congratulatory message from their respected senior comedian, Oh Sadaharu, was shared, adding more excitement to the venue.

The event took place in Fukuoka, the hometown of Hakata Hanamaru & Daikichi, making the event particularly emotional for them. This live event, which also celebrated their 33rd anniversary, was held at the PayPay Dome in the Chuo Ward of Fukuoka City and ended with great success.

Above is a summary of the comedy event Hakata Hanamaru & Daikichi Presents Hanada Dontaku held at Fukuoka PayPay Dome on the 10th.


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