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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Hospitalized for Bladder Issue, Cancels Brussels Trip Amidst Cancer Recovery, Duties Shifted to Deputy

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was admitted to a critical care unit on a recent Sunday evening due to an emergent bladder issue. This unexpected situation has followed his recent diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer in December, where the prognosis currently remains promising for full recovery.

Austin’s hospitalization for a bladder issue resulted in the cancellation of an important scheduled trip to Brussels. Despite the sudden health complications, the issue is not expected to interfere with the Defense Secretary’s anticipated recovery process, doctors have ensured.

As Austin’s attention necessarily shifted to his health management, he transferred his duties to his deputy. The deputy will be covering Austin’s responsibilities while he recovers. Although currently under critical medical attention, the bladder issue is not perceived to change his positive recovery trajectory. Austin is expected to regather his strength soon given his ongoing recovery journey from his prostate condition that also features a positive prognosis.


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