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Honoring the Legacy and Contributions of Native American Women Veterans: A Special Recognition in Women’s History Month 2024 with Health Seminars, Literary Discussions, and Interactive Events

Every March, Women’s History Month celebrates the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. In 2024, special focus is being given to the invaluable legacy of Native American women veterans, whose advocacy has shaped and continues to influence many sectors. The VA Office of Women’s Health is dedicated to commemorating their impact as part of its broader recognition initiatives.

To this end, the 88 ABW Special Observance Committee has planned a host of engaging events. Among these are a women’s health seminar to highlight important health-related issues and provide critical insights on healthcare developments. This will be particularly informative for women, especially veterans, as it will address their unique health needs and concerns.

Furthering the celebration, a book club will cater to literature enthusiasts, providing a platform to discuss works penned by women authors and delve into themes around gender, history and society. Museum tours and scavenger hunts will provide interactive experiences and educate participants about the pivotal roles played by women in history.

Through these combined efforts during Women’s History Month, we not only honor the past, but also inspire and advocate for the future. All these activities serve as a reminder that every woman’s story is worth telling and remembering.


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