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Remembering Paul Alexander: The Inspirational Journey of the ‘Man in the Iron Lung’ from Polio Survivor to Accomplished Lawyer and Author

Paul Alexander, widely recognized as “the man in the iron lung”, passed away at the age of 78. A survivor of polio, he lost the use of his body at the tender age of six. By 1952, within a few days of contracting the disease, Alexander’s daily existence depended on the iron lung unit he lived in for over 70 years. Despite the staggering physical limitations, his indomitable spirit prevailed.

Alexander was a testament to human resilience, achieving monumental milestones during his life. Challenging the odds, he endeared himself to the rigorous world of academia and earned a law degree. He eventually passed the bar and dexterously opened a flourishing legal practice. His sheer willpower didn’t just stop there. Alexander turned to the literary world and penned a moving memoir in 2020, detailing his remarkable life journey.

Alexander’s demise on March 11 was due to Covid-19 complications, following hospitalization the month prior. Fondly remembered as the man, who fought fate within the confines of a metal respiratory chamber, Alexander’s inspiring story will be cherished by all who knew and admired him. Despite his tests and tribulations, his life served as an infectious testament to the human will’s strength, resilience, and capacity for accomplishment.


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