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Hinamatsuri: Traditional Celebrations, Regional Activities, and Delicious Chirashi Sushi Recipe

Hinamatsuri, also known as the Peach Festival, is a traditional Japanese event held annually on March 3rd. It is a day to pray for the health of the family and the growth of the children, especially to bless the healthy growth of girls. Special foods make an appearance on this day, particularly Chirashi Sushi and Hina Arare, which are symbolic meals of the festival.

On the other hand, an NHK report states that a support activity for disaster victims was held in Wajima city, Ishikawa prefecture. Local volunteers provided support and encouragement to the victims by serving Chirashi Sushi and Hina Arare that were prepared locally. This act represents the compassion from the locals towards the individuals affected by the disaster, and it directly resonates with the original intentions of Hinamatsuri, which is to wish for the health and growth of families and communities.

In addition, Weather News shared tips on how to easily make Chirashi Sushi for the festival, even without special tools such as a sushi oke or paddle fan. The essential element of Chirashi Sushi is undoubtedly the sushi rice. The secret to making good sushi rice is to use appropriate seasoning and ensure that the rice does not stick together. This is the key to making delicious Chirashi Sushi easily at home.

Through this information, let’s reconfirm the essence of Hinamatsuri, and find ways to realize its intentions through local activities and home cooking.


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