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Inappropriate behavior after the shooting incident at Hino Basic Shooting Range: The need for consciousness reform and recurrence prevention among Self-Defense Forces members

The shooting training at the Hino Basic Shooting Range of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force in Gifu city, which was resumed following the shooting incident that occurred recently, has been temporarily suspended again. As of yet, the details behind this incident, in which three Self-Defense Forces officers were killed or injured, remain unclear.

Adding to the issues, there has been confirmation that an inappropriate act was committed by a Self-Defense Forces member at the time of the resumption of shooting training, wherein they showed the middle finger towards the press members. This behavior came to light due to certain media reports.

Defense Minister Kiwara commented on the matter, acknowledging the inappropriate gesture by quoting the Self-Defense Forces member who said they did it ‘light-heartedly’, explaining to the press in this regard.

Initially, the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force denied that such inappropriate behavior occurred at the time of resume of shooting practice, but later admitted to it, which has raised questions regarding their response.

At the Hino Shooting Range, where this incident and inappropriate behavior occurred, a reform of the behavior and consciousness of the Self-Defense Forces members is being called for. Furthermore, a thorough investigation is being carried out to take these circumstances seriously and prevent recurrence.


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