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Voice actress Haruko Kitahama passes away at 86 due to chronic lung disease – Leaves behind numerous achievements including the dubbing for ‘Bewitched’.

Seiko Kitahama, a voice actress and narrator (real name: Seiko Shioya), recently passed away due to chronic lung disease at the age of 86. This report was announced by her agency, Aoni Production.

Ms. Kitahama was born in Tokyo and appeared in numerous works throughout her career as a voice actress. Among them, she was particularly loved by viewers for her dubbing work on the Japanese version of the foreign drama ‘Bewitched’. Her unique and charming voice provided comfort and a sense of security to many people.

The news of her death was quickly disseminated, bringing great shock and sadness to her fans and industry insiders. Her legacy continues through her works.

We sincerely pray for the repose of Ms. Kitahama. She provided viewers with inspiration and entertainment in various works both domestically and internationally, and had a significant impact on the voice acting industry. Her contributions will be remembered forever.


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