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Virtual live-streamer, Uiha Aiba, plans to graduate from ‘Nijisanji’ at the end of 2023: Fan letters will be accepted until January 2024, and YouTube archives will continue to be published.

It has been announced that Uiha Aiba, a member of the virtual live group ‘Nijisanji’, will graduate on December 31 of this year. She debuted on July 24, 2019 and within ‘Nijisanji’, she boasted particular physical strength and led various activities mainly focused on dance leveraging this ability.

According to the official announcement, Aiba is anticipated to end her activities on platforms such as YouTube, YouTube membership, and Official X (previously Twitter) by December 31, 2023. However, traces of her for her fans will remain, as her YouTube channel and archives will continue to be available after retirement.

Also, fan letters to her will be accepted until January 31, 2024 (Wednesday), so she can receive warm messages from her fans until the end. On the other hand, sales of goods and voices will gradually be discontinued.

Throughout the duration from her debut to her graduation, Uiha Aiba captivated many fans and conducted activities that touched many hearts. The end of her activities may be sad news for many people, but her past activities can be viewed through YouTube archives.


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