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Actress Erika Sawajiri Makes Stage Comeback in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ After 4 Years. This Marks her First Appearance in the Play.

Actress Erika Sawajiri (37) has announced that she will return to acting and take the stage for the first time in four years. The revival will take place in a play called A Streetcar Named Desire, which will be performed for the first time on February 10th next year at the New National Theatre Middle Theatre. This will be Sawajiri’s first appearance on this stage.

Erika Sawajiri had suspended her entertainment activities since being found guilty of violating the Drug Control Law in February 2020. However, she has now overcome the incident and succeeded in making a comeback to the entertainment industry. The play A Streetcar Named Desire, directed by Yoon Yong-jin, is an immortal masterpiece of American drama and will surely be a big challenge for Erika Sawajiri.

In the visual shooting, she exudes a powerful aura that does not let you feel her temporary hiatus, and her talent is very much alive. The fans’ attention is rising to see what kind of performance she will show on this stage.


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