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Four people arrested for the illegal sale of drugs to young people in To-yoko, Kabukicho, Shinjuku: A wake-up call to the social issue of rampant drug abuse.

There has been a recent issue in ‘To-Yoko’, one of the areas in Kabukicho, Shinjuku Ward. It has been revealed that over-the-counter drugs are being sold illegally in this area, which is frequently used by young people.

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, the four arrested are unemployed suspect Koumu Takahashi (21 years old) and three other people in their twenties. They are suspected of illegally selling over-the-counter drugs to minors and young people in the To-Yoko area.

The main issue is the over-the-counter cough medicines that were being sold, which when taken excessively can cause an ‘overdose’, leading to health damages. It has already been reported by NHK that the excessive intake of over-the-counter drugs is spreading among the youth, becoming a social issue.

The Juvenile Support Division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police said that these over-the-counter drugs were also being sold to high school students, thus raising suspicions of violations of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Law.

This incident serves as an opportunity for society to reflect on the proper use of drugs, illegal sales, and drug abuse among the young people. It’s important to re-recognize the importance of knowledge of appropriate drug utilization, and the laws in place to protect this.


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