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ZON 100 Anime Final Episode: Main Voice Actors Reflect on the Series and Express Impressions and Courage about the ‘Survival’ Theme

The final episode of the anime ‘Zon 100: 100 Things to Do Before Becoming a Zombie’ has been broadcast and streamed. In commemoration, the main voice actors, Shuichiro Umeda, Tomori Kusunoki, Makoto Furukawa, and Minami Takahashi, conducted a retrospective interview.

Throughout the series, Mr. Umeda commented, ‘The attitude of enjoying life by taking advantage of the zombie situation strongly reminded me of the theme of ‘living the present’ that we tend to forget.’ On the other hand, Ms. Kusunoki said, ‘There were many suspenseful scenes, but seeing them moving forward without despair truly encouraged me.’

Mr. Furukawa stated, ‘I believe it was a work that questioned what decisions we would make and how we would live.’ Ms. Takahashi also reflected on the series saying, ‘The theme of ‘living’ that each character has was deeply portrayed, and I was very impressed.’

‘Zon 100: 100 Things to Do Before Becoming a Zombie’ is a work that depicts how the main characters survive the 100 days before becoming zombies. A conclusion was drawn in the final broadcast and streaming, and deep messages considering this were given by each of the voice actors.


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